The Woman in White – Wilkie Collins

Well, I mentioned in my previous post that I was an unprofessional professional and here is the proof that there is always some unfinished business buzzing about my brain before the year’s end that I must finish up!

I’ve been wanting to write about the author Wilkie Collins and his book The Woman in White all year, and his book is stacked on top of Alison Winter’s book on my desk in order to properly understand it. Time to get ‘em off said desk and get on with 2024! 

So! At the turn of the century, three authors – who were also all amateur Mesmerists – caused the original definition of ‘a sensation’. And they were: Charles Dickens, George du Maurier, and Wilkie Collins. 

Collins’s book caused a sensation because it excited (in the full and true sense of the word) people’s senses and was a ‘deliberate’ experiment in doing so. And it really is worth investing in Winter’s book to glimpse the very powerful effect it had on people at that period in history. Because it really was a historic inflection point; life was a cosmic soup of possibility – but yet it was a ‘soup’ that people did not unite on to co-create and make consensus reality. And so it became, IMHO, a transitional period when people believed they had ‘train spine’ and ran from moving pictures because technology outpaced human understanding – all whilst the horrors of colonial rule and crumbling power structures persisted. And so ‘wonder’ and ‘magic’ became the buzz words for anyone who couldn’t (or wouldn’t) keep pace with science and progress. 

And I suppose the uniting factor between Collins and this blog is that hypnosis really simply does not exist – it is a mental construct and a consequence of effective storytelling. And hypnosis is mostly just suggestion, but suggestion is very powerful

And my job is to just excite you.

[And when I told Kev about this post he added: “And my job is to disappoint you!”]

And the only footnote I’d add is: RIP Brianna Ghey who I thought about in writing this post and who is on both our minds. Everyone deserves to be themselves and I hope this ‘choose your own adventure’ blog is helpful in figuring out how to do that beyond existing stories and reality models. 

BooksAmy Ellingham