Cosmic Pancakes!-themed hypno-‘art’ using DALL-E Mini AI – just because

I’ve been badgering Kev for some time to furnish me with some AI-super-robot-powers.

I was/am particularly enamoured with AI deep writing – before I met Kev, I tried to install the robot that wrote this Harry Potter chapter. I even got so far as to actually find the Mac window thing that lets you enter your own code – took me bloody hours. My genius plan was to feed everything I’d ever written into it to see if a robot could make sense of me. But after I’d copy-pasted the code in and hit ‘enter’, a caps-lock warning appeared saying: “WITH GREAT POWER COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITY”.

So I stopped there. Because I don’t want to cause The Singularity.


I’ve kept a weather eye on artificial intelligence developments, however, wondering when I can outsource my freelance-writing-self to GPT-3 and why we mere mortals can’t start playing with these things. I was especially sad about the restricted access when I heard about DALL-E AI image creator while struggling to explain a brief to an illustrator – it’s not that I want to outsource humans to robots; just to better show what I mean.

After all, what harm can I do with AI-generated images?!

And so it came to pass that Kev magically, FINALLY, delivered what I was wishing for, courtesy of DALL-E Mini.

Naturally, I set about making Cosmic Pancakes!-themed hypno-’art’ – presented here for your delectation…

(NFTs available from all good retailers now!)

“Cosmic Pancakes Served By A Superior Being”

The obvious starting point.

“Franz Anton Mesmer Hypnotising Derren Brown”

The obvious next one to do.

“Hypnosis Chicken Man”

I wanted to make “Paul McKenna hypnotising a chicken”, but that didn’t work out. Neither did “chicken hypnotising a man” – both just produced some freaky chickens. So this is the prompt that had to do.

“Woman Being Hypnotised”

So accurate.

“Hypnosis Machine”

Makes me even sadder hypno-machines are no longer in vogue!

“Alien Eating Cosmic Pancakes”

Cosmic Pancakes! – delicious and nutritious.